Tuesday 13 September 2011

The Day in the Life of an Educator

Summer vacation is over (not that I saw much sun) and the busy university semester has begun. My summer vacation was spent at UBC Vancouver taking courses for my doctor of education degree. You see - although I am a nursing instructor, I want to learn more and become the best educator I can be because I love teaching. Within the nursing program, I teach the pediatric theory and seminar content. This picture is my class of 35 eager nursing students and was taken yesterday. They are working on a case study.

Thinking back to yesterday I have to laugh and remember that being flexible is part of being a good educator. I dutifully went into class early to set up my DVD to the overhead projector, and ensure my power points were open and ready to go. It turns out the projector was broken. Never a happy moment when I have an hour long video to show. Ahhhhhhh. Oh and just to let you know...I teach a 6 hour class (yup-I deserve a medal!). So-back to the broken overhead - I called IT and asked for immediate assistance. They were busy but said they would come when they could. Okay-panic set in as the DVD I was showing was a full hour and discussed the normal stages of pediatric growth and development.
After this video and a case study, I discuss abnormal growth and development and pediatric death and dying. I find it hard to talk about "abnormal" processes when I haven't taught the "normal" processes first. The eager faces of the students caused me to reach into the recesses of my brain and think up something else to do while waiting for the IT people to fix my projector. Those who know me -know that I can talk the hind leg off a horse so I managed to fill in time!

Two men showed up and starting climbing on tables to reach the projector, banging, talking, and playing with my laptop to "test" the video and sound-all while I was teaching. LOL It was so distracting- but also mildly funny. After an hour they had it fixed and I managed to show the video and get through my content on time. All part the the day in the life of an educator!!

In spite of things that go wrong and the occasional stressful moments, I love teaching, and enjoy sharing my knowledge, experience and stories to help students learn about this specialty. I am thankful everyday for my amazing job and being able to teach topics I am passionate about. So-here is to another year of teaching in the nursing program! And here is to all the educators out there-have a blessed and joyful year!!


  1. Of course you had the IT guys come and fix it asap. You're "Cathy Robinson" remember. LOL

  2. LOL-and I am surprised they didn't RUN to my class!!

  3. Thank goodness you have content that you have to teach those students -otherwise you'd probably chat and share stories the entire 6 hours!

  4. Hee hee- very true Danielle!! You know my gift for the gab!
