Saturday 9 July 2011

Farley AKA Marley

I just finished watching the movie Marley and Me-and feel the need to honour my faithful canine Farley. Farley passed away on May 21, 2011 and I am still grieving his loss.

We got Farley from the SPCA in December 2004 when he was 4 months old. He was a golden retriever cross and had been starved and badly neglected. When we brought him home our other golden retriever, Mortimer, took exception to this new addition and tried to eat him. We spent about 3 weeks playing middle man while Mortimer learned to make peace with him. After that life was fun. If you have watched the movie "Marley and Me", you will have a picture of Farley. He was crazy, hyperactive, and completely destroyed everything in his path including our backyard. I have frequently said that I could win the "world's worst backyard" contest. If I didn't take him out for his 1 hour run up in the hills to wear him out-he would eat the retaining wall in the yard or attempt to dig to China.

The years were also filled with pain for Farley-he was a sick dog. He had severe allergies that caused him to chew and scratch himself so badly that he lived in a cone (or party hat as we called it). We bought special food-including flying Bison in at a horrendous cost, allergy medication, prednisone and anything else the vet offered. Some days and months were good, but many weren't. Each year seemed to get worse.

In May of this year Farley had a severe allergic reaction and was resorted to wearing a muzzle to prevent him from further chewing is tail (he almost ate it off)and a cone to prevent him from scratching his face. I cried everyday as the life seemed to drain out of him. He was depressed and layed around which was unusual for our hyperactive and happy go lucky dog. I knew it was time to let him go but struggled with the decision. I had already lost Mortimer last year and just couldn't imagine life without my Farley. But I knew he wasn't happy and probably would tell me to let him go if he could speak. Animals are so much more practical than humans. So I booked the vet appointment and cried each day leading up to May 21. I took him for long walks and cried. I gave him double his dog food each day and cried. I put booties on him and let him on my livingroom hardwood (previously forbidden).

The night before his death I took this picture while out on a walk. He saw a marmot and wanted to chase it (his favourite hobby). I cried. We watched the Canucks that night on TV lose. I cried. On the morning of May 21-I took him for his last walk. I cried so hard I could hardly see to walk. Farley was wagging his half tail and seemed oblivious. When we arrived at the vet clinic he wagged his tail as we entered. This was his second home and he loved all the techs and the vet. My heart ached as he seemed so happy, but I knew I had to do it this time.

I held him and told him what a good dog he had been and that I loved him very much. I kissed him for each of his sisters. He looked at me and seemed to say "its okay-I am ready to go". His head was soaked with my tears as I said good-bye. I layed on the floor with him and wrapped my arms around him while he left this world. I will always love Farley. Good-bye my faithful canine. To quote the movie "You were a GREAT dog".


  1. Farley was totally Marley. Always crazy.

  2. Anyone that has lost a 'fur-child' can relate to your loss.... Farley was very lucky to have you as his family. We honour our fur-family by remembering all the days of their lives that the last day doesn't overshadow the rest.
    My sincere sympathies,
    PS: I fed kangaroo kibble as it was supposed to be hypoallergenic. Didn't solve the problem, but we swear it made Neppy (yellow lab) jump higher!

  3. Monica-thank you for your kind words. I truly loved Farley and moved heaven and earth to help him but he was just too sick. I tried every known food both raw and kibble. He was only 6 1/2 and feel he got ripped off in life. Although no one could have loved him more. He definitely was my fur-kid!
    Sounds like you had a somewhat similar experience with your lab Neppy. It sure is hard eh?
